Fashioned with the renowned technology, Anything Stone’s Unistone stone slabs deliver the highest quality to our customers no matter what their intended use. Unistone is an extremely tough stone slab thanks to its composition which is predominantly natural quartz.
Available in a huge range of colours, sizes and thickness, Unistone can be effectively polished to enhance the colour and provide a eye-catching gloss which bring out the natural veins. Alternatively you can use a velvet matte finish which is maintenance friendly, while still giving you that desired glossy finish. A personal favourite of ours is a honed finish which provides a delightfully warm and pleasant feeling when you place your hand on the stone.
This is an absolutely fantastic stone to Unistone use in your bathroom or kitchen, thanks to the fact it is durable, easy to maintain and stain-resistant. Check out our library to explore the wonderful array of colours this stone is available in. We will be happy to try and create a bespoke solution if you have something in particular in mind.